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Windows File Server Migration

Windows File Server Migration: A job for the experts

Let Northstar assist with your Windows file server migration and ensure your data is safe and production downtime is kept to a minimum.

If you look on the internet, you will see tools that enable you to conduct a windows file server migration. Some make it look easy. Others will try to convince you to migrate your server without professional help. Here at Northstar we highly recommend you leave your server migration to the experts. Read on to find out why.

Backing Up Data

Before you attempt to migrate an in-house server, it is essential to backup all your data. It may seem like an easy operation, but we always recommend that it will be safer and more secure to use a professional because you may not know the condition of your server.

Choosing your back up solution

An expert in file server migration can categorise what data needs to be backed up and to where. Some data will remain on in-house servers, whilst you can migrate other data to a cloud server. Whether you choose to migrate to a newer Windows server or use a cloud server is another big question. Cloud backup is becoming more and more popular and is often the best option for small to medium operations. However, for some organisations, in-house, co-location or, dedicated servers continue to be the best solution. Cloud or shared servers, whatever the size of your operations, have their advantages. By using a cloud server, you can share information with ease wherever you are.

If you are unsure about whether to keep an in-house server, use a combination of cloud and in-house, or if to use a cloud-based server, Northstar can help you make the right choice for your business.

Windows File Server Migration

If you are happily running a windows server, then updating can help your business operations run more smoothly. If you are running on an outdated version of Windows, then you will most likely be experiencing compatibility problems. What this means is that it is time you updated to the latest Windows server. Once again, all data will need to be sorted and backed up before the process begins.

A windows file server migration won’t take more than a couple of hours when handled by the professionals. The process will be seamless, and minimal disruption will occur. Only when all your data is on your new server will your old server be decommissioned. As a result, this means that no data will be lost and you can rest assured that everything will be available on your new server straight away.

Although there are tools online that can help you migrate to a newer version of Windows, we recommend you do not try a DIY migration. If you opt to do it yourself, you could be running the risk of losing important information. When it comes to your business data, never run the risk of losing your data or allowing it to get into the wrong hands.

Choose professional file server migration ever time. Contact Northstar today, and we will help your window file server migration run smoothly.

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