A hooded figure using a laptop, representing how cyber attacks happen with malicious hackers exploiting security vulnerabilities.

How Cyber Attacks Happen, Key Vulnerabilities and Protection

Cyber attacks happen when weaknesses in technology or human behaviour are exploited by malicious actors. These attacks, often low in sophistication but highly effective, are usually successful due to poor cybersecurity practices. 

In fact, 99.9% of cyber attacks are preventable, as they rely on vulnerabilities such as weak passwords, unpatched software, or human error. At Northstar Services Ltd, we specialise in IT support and cybersecurity, helping businesses defend against these threats. Here’s how cyber attacks happen and, more importantly, how you can protect your business.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities: The Core of Cyber Attacks

Hackers exploit security gaps in systems to launch cyber attacks. These gaps can include outdated software, weak password policies, or misconfigured systems. For instance, 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses because they often rely on older systems or fail to implement security best practices.

Prevention Tip: Regular security assessments can help identify vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of being attacked.

Social Engineering: A Leading Cause of Cyber Attacks

Social engineering is when hackers manipulate individuals into giving away sensitive information or access to systems. This often happens through phishing, a form of social engineering where hackers send fraudulent emails that trick people into clicking on malicious links or providing personal data. In fact, phishing is responsible for over 90% of cyber attacks.

Example: In 2020, a phishing attack on Twitter led to hackers gaining control of high-profile accounts used for a Bitcoin scam.

Prevention Tip: Regular training ensures employees can recognise phishing attempts and avoid clicking on suspicious links.


Brute Force Attacks: A Frequent Entry Point for Cyber Attacks

A brute force attack involves hackers using automated tools to guess passwords repeatedly until they succeed. This type of attack is particularly effective when passwords are weak or reused across multiple accounts. Research shows that 80% of data breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords.

Example: In 2017, nearly 200,000 websites were compromised by brute force attacks that targeted weak admin passwords.

Prevention Tip: Implement strong password policies and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security.

At Northstar Services Ltd, we can help implement password management tools and MFA across your systems to reduce the risk of brute force attacks. Contact us for more information.

Unpatched Software: The Silent Vulnerability

Unpatched software is one of the easiest ways cyber attacks happen. Hackers exploit known vulnerabilities in outdated software, and if systems aren’t regularly updated, the risk of a breach increases significantly. According to studies, 60% of data breaches are linked to vulnerabilities that have not been patched.

Example: In 2017, the Equifax data breach, one of the most infamous breaches in recent history, occurred due to an unpatched vulnerability in the Apache Struts framework. Despite a patch being available, it was not applied promptly, resulting in the exposure of sensitive data from 147 million customers. This breach underscores the importance of timely patch management.

Prevention Tips:

  • Regular Updates: Keep your software up-to-date by installing security patches as soon as they’re available.
  • Automated Patch Management: At Northstar Services Ltd, we manage software updates to ensure your systems are always secure.

Exposure of Credentials: A Common Factor in Cyber Attacks

Stolen or exposed login credentials are another major way cyber attacks happen. Hackers use leaked credentials to access systems, often without the user’s knowledge. A study found that over 15 billion credentials are circulating on the dark web, with many businesses unaware that their data is exposed.

Example: In 2021, the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack began when hackers gained access through a single compromised password found on the dark web.

Prevention Tips:

  • Monitor for Breaches: Regularly check if your credentials have been compromised using services like “Have I Been Pwned.”
  • Use Unique Passwords: Avoid using the same password across multiple platforms to minimise the impact of credential-based attacks.

If your credentials have been exposed, it’s essential to act fast. Northstar Services Ltd can help you secure your accounts and reduce the risk of future cyber attacks.

Cyber Hygiene: Key to Preventing

Poor cyber hygiene is a leading cause of cyber attacks. Just as poor personal hygiene increases the risk of illness, poor cyber hygiene practices, such as weak passwords, outdated software, or unsecured devices, increase the risk of a cyber attack. 99.9% of cyber attacks are successful due to poor cyber hygiene, making it one of the most preventable issues.

Prevention Tips:

  • Install Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software: Ensure all devices are protected with up-to-date antivirus software to guard against malware.
  • Regular Backups: Regularly back up your data to reduce the impact of ransomware and other attacks.
  • Monitor Systems: Regularly monitor systems for suspicious activity to catch potential breaches early.

At Northstar Services Ltd, we offer a range of services to improve your cyber hygiene, from antivirus installation to proactive monitoring. Get in touch today to ensure your business is protected from cyber attacks.

Act Now to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are a growing threat to businesses of all sizes. Whether it’s brute force attacks, phishing, or vulnerabilities in unpatched software, knowing how cyber attacks happen is the first step to preventing them. With over 43% of cyber attacks targeting small businesses, it’s essential to take action now.

At Northstar Services Ltd, we specialise in IT support and cybersecurity solutions designed to protect your business. Whether it’s implementing stronger password policies, training your employees, or ensuring your software is up-to-date, we’re here to help.

Don’t wait for a cyber attack to strike. Contact us today to secure your systems against cyber threats, and be sure to check out our Ransomware Recovery Process: 3-Step Guide for steps to take after an attack.

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